Communion Hymn 209(b)
May 5th: 2nd Sunday after Easter
Hymns: 355(b), 422, 599
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
May 12th: 3rd Sunday after Easter
Hymns: 91, 346, 94(b)
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
May 19th: 4th Sunday after Easter
Hymns: 352, 304, 85
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
May 26th: Rogation Sunday
Hymns: 141, 142, 513
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
Communion Hymn 205
June 2nd: Ascension Sunday
Hymns: 355(b), 422, 599
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
June 9th: Whitsunday
Hymns: 91, 346, 94(b)
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
June 16th: Trinity Sunday
Hymns: 352, 304, 85
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
June 23rd: Trinity I
Hymns: 141, 142, 513
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
June 30th: Trinity II
Hymns: 141, 142, 513
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
Communion Hymn 209(b)
June 7th: Trinity III
Hymns: 355(b), 422, 599
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
June 14th: Trinity IV
Hymns: 91, 346, 94(b)
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
June 21st: Trinity V
Hymns: 352, 304, 85
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19
June 28th: Trinity VI
Hymns: 141, 142, 513
Epistle: St John V, 4
The Holy Gospel: St John XX, 19